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Home ยป The email storm is no more!

The email storm is no more!

Email, it as relevant today just as ever before. However just like the original paper version of email, getting too much of the stuff is pretty annoying at times!

Well, we felt that annoyance ourselves here at Liffery too… and some of the feedback from the best test group of folk a startup could hope for was… “ermm.. I am getting a LOT of emails from Liffery!”.

Well, today we finished and launched a pretty nifty feature to curb the inbox overflow problem. You are now able to tell Liffery to only give you a nice summary email of all the missed notifications from Liffery while you were away.

Not only that, but you can also tell Liffery how frequent you would like to get that email too!

You can adjust these settings from the “Notifications” page under your own profile settings.